----- Forwarded Message ----
From: James Lary
Sent: Thu, September 16, 2010 12:18:39 PM
Subject: [TNS@FBD] Porter Kate Lary - Update 9/15/10
Hello All,
PK continues to grow bigger and stronger with each day. I have attached a picture that Sarah took yesterday. She is so beautiful and we are so blessed with her progress (you can also see how long the catheter is).
Your prayers are needed once again as the surgery to remove the dialysis catheter is scheduled tomorrow, Friday at 1:30PM. Although, this is typically an outpatient surgery, because she is so young and small, she will have to spend the night at the hospital in the ICU once again. We are so happy to get the cetheter out, but it is still scary to have your 6 1/2 week old go under anesthetia for surgery. God's hands have been surrounded her this far and our prayer is that the surgery is a success.
We went to the neurologist this morning and he was pleased with her progress. She will stay on the seizure medication and do another EEG in 5-6 weeks. He wants her to continue to grow and gain weight before taking her off the medication. We are fine with prevention. We go to the nephrologist this afternoon, and anticipate a good report.
The Prayers:
1. Pray for the surgery on Friday. Pray that there are no complications and that her reovery is quick and smooth.
2. Pray for widsom and accuracy for the surgeon operating on such a small body
3. Pray that her kidney function stays the same or even improves
4. Pray that her potassium level stays at normal level.
5. Pray that the seizures continue to stay away and that we can be off the seizure medicine soon.
6. Pray that Porter has the strength and determination only God can give to keep improving.
God Bless,
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